Sunday, June 29, 2008

Gilroy Gardens!

We found out that Gilroy Gardens is letting active duty military in for free, and the rest of the family half off. We decided to take advantage of the discount, and the fact we both had the day off to go. It's an interesting place, basically a amusement park designed for children. The weather was nice, and there was no crowd which was even better. The kids got to ride on merry-go-rounds, a ferris wheel, and they even went on their first real roller coaster. Im not sure that was the best idea for the day. I didnt think it would be scarey considering everything was designed for kids! Lucy was barely tall enough to ride. But we did it, we rode in the front cart of the coaster. It was good for the first thirty seconds. Then we went over the first peak and they speed picked up pretty good. I turned around to see how Lucy was and she freaked me out. She was complerely she was having a heart attack. Kya was loving it, although Lucy was just screaming she couldnt breathe. I think she could breathe, although she might have that wind taken out her feeling. Either that or she really did have a heart attack. We survived.....although she was a mess after we got off. I felt so bad. But then we went on some other kiddie rides, and I think she forgave me and had a good time. We didnt stay too long, because we ran out of money pretty fast. The drinks were 3.50....yikes.
This weekend for the 4th we are going to Lake Tahoe for one of the best fire work shows west of the mississippi (thats what they say)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Well we have Orders

Well Jeremy came home from work today and annouced that we have received orders to Hawaii. This is somewhat of a relief to us, only because we thought it would be Japan. Since we have lived there before I feel pretty relaxed about things. It will still be a little crazy with all the changes, although exciting at the same time. I think the kids are excited about it as well. Although Lucy just isnt looking forward to being hot! Me neither, although at least we will beable to swim in the water and not freeze like in Monterey. Oh, and I do expect company now that we will only be in the middle of the ocean rather then on the other side of the world. :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Sprinkler Fun

Last week the kids and I took a quick trip to Yuba City to visit cousins. It was so hot up there, we had to turn on the sprinklers to keep cool. I brought the dogs, and even Koda surprised us how much he loved the water. Brody too, he was all about being in the middle of the sprinkler. I love visiting up there, I wish that i didnt have to work so much because I would stay longer then two days. Enjoy the fun pictures

Monday, June 16, 2008

Kung-Fu Mama

Oh and speaking of Kung Fu from a previous posting, apparently no-one including myself realized I had a little martial art strength. Today I was cooking in the kitchen and a bottle of sauce fell out of the cubbard and I went to catch it before it smashed and broke all over. But what happened was that my arm actually got caught between a coke glass cup and the bottle of sauce. I saw glass and thought the sauce broke and my efforts were a failure. Then I looked a little closer and the glass was from the coke cup, which was broken by the bone in my arm. So yes I broke the glass with the back side of my forearm. Pretty crazy! Just call me PO....

Happy Fathers Day

To our Daddy, we love you so much. Thank you for playing, bathing, feeding, taking us to Kung Fu, reading to us, hugging, holding, listening and just being a awesome Daddy to us.
Kya had a little friend who asked what he gave his Dad for Father's Day. Kya responded " We didnt really give him anything, although we had a big family group hug this morning. Then later Daddy bought each of us our own box of cereal". Oh yes, what Jeremy wouldnt do for his kids. jk So what really happened was that we did have the group hug, then we took Daddy to his favorite restaurant, then we had to go to the grocery store and that is where Daddy let the kids pick out a box of cereal each. Here is a picture of Lucy spending time with daddy (yes doing a craft)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Summer is Here!

Well there are good things about summer and bad. One good thing is I dont have to get up and drag children out of bed for school. We can be a little more lazier in the morning. The bad thing is that this might be our last summer being so close to family and we can't really even afford to go anywhere. This last weekend Amy and her family came to see us for our 32 birthday...... but really it was a excuse to be together again, I dont know too many people who throw big birthday bashes after 30 ;) Monterey is not a big place at all, and there isn't a whole lot to do once you have done the tourest things a few times. Although I would have to say our highlights were doing out usual 20 minute freeze at the beach for Amy and the girls, going to see Kung Fu Panda, and riding the Trolley through Monterey to go have lunch on Cannery Row. I love when they come to see us, and we miss them when they leave.

Another great thing this visit from Amy and the clan was that she was able to go to Lucy's last day of her preschool. Here is a cute picture of them two eating lunch together.