Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Im Alone Tonight

Lately that is the case because Jeremy is working. But tonight it is different, Im sitting at the computer checking in on everyone else's lives and I read something that stopped my heart for a moment. A friend of mine from the past lost her husband. I do not know the details but I can only imagine the pain of her lose. Im sweating right now because well it's hot and my air conditioner broke. Im also enjoying, thanks to Briana great chocolate chip cookies and a pepsi (the pepsi was mine). But the best part about tonight will be that my husband will come home. When we say our prayers at night, we always pray he will come back to us safely. I love Jeremy, I can't imagine what I would do if he was gone all of a sudden. Like I said I don't know the circumstances.....but i will pray for Sallie tonight. Funny note, she is the one responsible for my camp name "hazard".....I don't know why she thought that would fit me! We love you Wooleys.....