Thursday, March 5, 2009

Isn't it Fun Sometimes To Be a Girl!

Well I get easily bored looking in the mirror..........and my hair color has been the same for quite some time. So I did it, I put a red color on my hair. There is a on going joke about Jeremy always really wanting to marry a red head. He went to Russia on his mission and brought back three beautiful hand painted porcelain dolls. They all had different color yarn for hair (red, yellow, brown) The red one he wanted to give to his future wife. You could probably imagine my feelings on this. Why the heck would I want a doll that represented something he didn't have (a red headed wife). I can be a little harsh sometimes, needless to say I do not have the red head in my house. Yesterday I surprised him when he came home from work. He liked it, although he knows it's not permanent either......I'm not that dumb!
Have a great day.........and never be afraid to have a bit of fun!


Unknown said...

You've inspired me, Ang. Maybe I'll put a little red in my hair too. ;) Maybe then my brother will stop calling me Orange-head.

Sybrina said...

Ange, you are TOO CUTE!

You know, I have a little red in my hair sometimes, although I have never added any dye. It comes and goes (as it does in my personality, too).

carol parker said...

Well your color looks great, at least your color will wash out as time goes by, my hair color is still there. Knowing that it has been four months I now know that the lady put a permenate hair in my hair. I like the look of the first picture. love MOM

Amy Collins said...

Ok...Cambree just asked me, "who is that mommy?" Looks cute...but now we don't look like twins hehehe...I know it's not our hair color that makes us look like twins.