Monday, April 13, 2009

Adapting Is A Military Wife's Full Time Job

Jeremy has finished his assignment in the colorguard and is finially working with the people he is suppose to be with. They have a class to take (of course) and it starts at 3:30pm till 11:00pm Mon-Fri for the next six weeks. It was funny this morning because after he got up and went down stairs for breakfast. It was only 15 minutes later when he came back up stairs to where I was sewing and said "I don't know what to do with myself". Poor guy, I of course found him something to keep him busy or at least help with the anxiety of starting something new today.
I won't be too lonely because Stacey and the girls are coming in 10 days and then Heidi and Clay will be staying here too.
We had a nice Easter, it seemed busy but I didn't mind too much. It was testimony meeting at church today, and Lucy asked us to take her to the stand to talk. She said she wanted everyone to know how thankful she was that her cousins are coming to visit. She wanted to say other things too but of course the cutie sort of froze at the mic and left Jeremy up there to take over. Thank you to Briana for a really nice Easter dinner and having us over. I hope you weren't just telling me you liked the rolls....I promise I have done better.:)
Well I should be sewing for a craft fair that Im going to try to do this weekend. But honestly Im so tired.......and mainly from sewing. Good night my friends.
We went to a baptism for a really neat girl. I thought it was such a wonderful day to get baptized. Then of course Landry was blessed......that was hard for me to not be there for. I saw lots of pictures and am grateful for the amazing support system that surrounds the beautiful Collins Family.


Briana Ward said...

Angela, we love you! And we loved your rolls :)

CoffeeGrind said...

While we are not a military family, we are a law enforcement family. And as such, we have to adapt to various schedule changes. Working weekends, working nights, and the unforseen report that makes you stay hours past your normal shift.

I feel for you, I know what you are going through there.

Amy Collins said...

Goodluck with that night stuff...Yuck! I'm glad you were able to spend Easter with some good friends. I'm sure the rolls were great, you were always good at those. All I made was fruit salad, can't screw that up too bad.

Mariel said...

You have such a lovely family! make adoreable dresses, I don't know any girl that doesn't love to twirl!
