Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Day coupons

So I got a card from Jeremy with some coupons. They can be redeemed for different things. It was really cute......although he added a surprise coupon on the back .....
this is what it said

"I know we have 2 kids, one 5 and one 7, but you can redeem this for one more from heaven. We made two cute ones, Lucy and her brother, let's do this together and give birth to another"

I have been talking about having another one with Jeremy for about a year. But the timing has been a big factor for us. I think we are in a good place now, and he finially feels the same. Oh I thought the poem was awesome, he wrote that on the fly pretty good Jer.

Well a few things have to happen first but the ball will get rolling soon

lova ya all


Briana Ward said...

Yea!!!! That is so sweet, I can't believe Jeremy came up with that on his own.

Unknown said...

That is way too cute, Ang! I am so happy for you! You are such a good mom and do have such cute kids. This will be great for all of you.

Amy Collins said...

Yippee!!! Nice work Jeremy!