Monday, August 4, 2008

Well they went back to school today

Right now Im sitting at home, wondering how the kids are both doing at school. It's weird to drop them off and then walk away, hoping they will be ok. Kya was happy this morning and really excited to get to class. He actually got to sit assigned right next to a girl he knows from his kindergarten class. Although she is the most busiest little girl ever, I think it made him feel good to have a familiar face next him. He was already making friends when I went to say goodbye. I tried to kiss him and tell him that he had toothpaste on his face....but he was like get away. Lucy seemed excited more nervous....although she was already jumping back into routine. She hit the paint area painted a quick masterpiece then headed off to the table for breakfast when I left. I will miss them a little bit today.....tomorrow will be better for me. :)

1 comment:

Amy Collins said...

Ahhh, I was thinking about them today. They look so excited to go back to school. I know Emery and Kelci are excited to start...I don't know if I'm ready, will-see. Love you guys!!!